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Entertaining activities in the orphanage at SOS Kara

Outstanding students with whom EDULCOD Togo is working organized some donations and entertaining activities for hundred orphans of SOS Kara. These students saved their pocket money to buy soap, sugar and milk to support the orphans. In addition they gave free English classes to the students who enjoyed them. Songs they taught to the orphans and their engagement will always remain in their memory.

Community Service (November 10, 2018)

Prior to the main event, EDULCOD Togo organized a cleaning activity at one of the main radios in Togo located in Kara the northern part of the country. Members of the organization and students coming from various schools took part in this activity. The main reason for this cleaning up was to bring our contribution to our country’s development and also encourage the youths to get involved in the development of their communities. Another reason was to display to our communities the importance of the mass media in education. It was a great opportunity for EDULCOD Togo to talk to listeners about the advantages of International Education.

Sensitization in schools (November 12-13, 2018)

EDULCOD Togo went through three main secondary schools in Kara (Togo) to talk to young learners about the benefits of studying abroad and exchange programs. EDULCOD Togo board members seized that opportunity to talk to learners about leadership, community development through community service and the importance of English language in the world today.

Culminating activity November 14, 2018 (Big Celebration of the International Education Week 2018)

The celebration of the International Education Week in Kara (Togo) organized by EDULCOD Togo, a non-profit organization gathered around six hundred middle and high school students, thirty teachers, one English language inspector, three Peace Corps Volunteers, three school principals, twenty parents and some university students. Many activities were conducted among which:

  1. Choir performance

Choirs of different schools performed on the stage singing songs they have written themselves about education in general and the International Education in particular. The aim of that activity was to instill and sharpen creativity in learners. Additionally, this was an opportunity to break shyness in the youths in our community and let them have fun.

  1. Presentation of the International Education and its benefits

EDULCOD Togo Chairperson Arsène Mabadjam Katawa and the English Language Fellow gave a presentation on the International Education Week. In their presentation which was an interactive one, they went through the benefits of the international Education Week celebration, the benefits of studying abroad and the different steps in the application process and raised up some challenges related to the process. To reinforce with the advantages of studying abroad, some alumni were joined directly via Skype, some sent their videos about what they think of International Education and their experience with studying abroad. Participants enjoyed learning directly from alumni. We received testimonies from alumni in South Korea, USA, Canada, India, and South Africa.

To end their presentation and to have participants see what admission reps are looking for they showcased Kwasi who was accepted into every Ivy League school.

  1. Debate: Togolese Education: what should be improved?

To reflect on some strategies to improve education in our communities, a debate was organized for young learners to bring their input in the improvement of education system in Togo. Through this debate, participants recognized that the education system in Togo is not fitting the job market today. They suggested more practical and creative education that would enable them to create their own jobs and contribute to the development of their communities.

  1. English Speech Contest

Knowing the importance of the English language in the world today especially for international education, the speech contest was organized to promote the English language in Togo especially the speaking which is a great challenge for learners today. Another objective of this competition was to develop public speaking for learners and help them create self-confidence.  Furthermore, the competition was about education and students had to write their speeches on that topic time to open their minds to writing and creativity.

  1. Songs, choreography and poems

Young learners were given the chance to write their own songs and poems pertaining to education. The participants and the panel of judges were elated to listen to great and instructive songs and poems coming from young learners. Besides, participants enjoyed some choreography activities performed by students coming from various schools.


  1. Impressions and thanks

EDULCOD Togo is delighted to have organized this unique activity in Togo which drew hundreds of participants to celebrate the International Education Week.  Not many people knew about this great event before. Thanks to EDULCOD Togo that celebration helped students, teachers and the educational authorities to learn more about International Education and its benefits, the application to USA process. Followed that event around thirty students approached EDULCOD Togo for university applications guidance. Currently two of them are selected finalists for free scholarships offered by the African Leadership Academy.

EDULCOD Togo being a non-profit organization and depending on the members of the board who sacrifice themselves for the future of high-achieving low-income students, is welcoming any support from any organization that share its vision which is to help outstanding but under deserved learners unleash their leadership potential and access higher education. EDULCOD Togo’s area of work are the following:

  • Education
  • International education and university guidance
  • Community development
  • Leadership
  • Promotion of the English language
  • Gender equality
  • Technology for education

EDULCOD Togo is inspired by John F. Kennedy’s quotation which states this “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”

EDULCOD Togo is thankful to the U.S Department of State and the U.S department of Education for highlighting their event by posting it on the International Education Week website page.